Sales Tel. Closed
Rentals Tel. Closed


We take your privacy very seriously.

In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, kindly click here to read our Legal Information in Spanish as required by law.


Fiscal ID No. (C.I.F.) B-29748340

Registered in the Registry of Málaga, Spain, on 28 Noviembre, 1995
Tome: 1744 Book: 657 Sheet: 1 Section: General de Sociedades
Page: MA 22614 Company address: Edificio Centro Expo, Blvd. Alfonso Hohenlohe, s/n, 29602 Marbella (Málaga), España
Telephone: +34 952 77 42 66
Fax: +34 952 82 21 11
e-mail: [email protected]


In order to comply with RICS requirements, Panorama provides a complaints handling procedure and encourage comments, criticism or complaints of any nature, which will be addressed by Christopher Clover, the Managing Director of Panorama together with the able assistance of a panel of two employees of the company. Click here to view Panorama’s Complaints Handling Procedure, and Complaint Form.

Panorama’s RICS-compliant Complaints Handling Procedure is in addition to the official complaint book or sheets, required for every business open to the public, by the Regional Government of Andalucía (Junta de Andalucía), which are also always available at our offices.

All of our clients should be aware that Panorama also holds, in full compliance with the RICS regulations and the professional requirements of any professional real estate agency, a professional indemnity insurance policy with Hiscox España.
